Title: MLCP at Norzin Lam to open this month

Language: English

Type: Blog/Article

Nature: Website

Published: January 8, 2019

Region: South Asia (SA)

Country: Bhutan

Keywords: Commercial Value Capture (CVC)

Document Link(s):

Document Summary: Thimphu thromde is hopeful that they will be able to do away with the parking space along Norzin lam, the city’s main thoroughfare, by June. The thromde is waiting for the completion of the multi-level car parking (MLCP) I located at Phendey Lam near the Zangthopelri complex and MLCP II located at Norzin Lam. However, temporary parking will be allowed on the Norzin Lam.

Document Details:

Initial cost of the project was Nu 450 million. Pedestrianisation of the Norzin Lam was part of the Thimphu Thromde’s Structural Plan (2002-2027). The first phase of the plan included landscaping and face-lifting of the area along the Norzin Lam and the clock tower square. Norzin Lam has parking space for about 230 vehicles. The parking area would be converted into a service duct and would serve as footpath for pedestrians.

Updated: January 6, 2024