Title: Gender, Trade and Public Procurement Policy – Kenya, India, Australia, Jamaica

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2013

Region: Global

Country: Kenya, India, Australia, Jamaica

Topics: Gender Impact

Keywords: Procurement



Gender, Trade and Public Procurement Policy – Kenya, India, Australia, Jamaica766.23 KB

Document Details:


Raymond Mark Kirton, Commonwealth Secretariat  2013


This report investigates how an inclusive government procurement policy, coupled with the effective management of scarce resources, can accelerate sustainable economic outcomes. It discusses the extent to which public procurement policies are gender equitable and considers the importance to integrate gender considerations into public procurement and trade policy. The publication presents four case studies on public procurement policy and practices taken from Commonwealth countries, with a particular emphasis on emerging gender-specific dimensions. 


Related Information:

Gender-Responsive PPP Legal Framework

Impacts of PPPs on Gender Inclusion


Tracking Reference:


Updated: August 25, 2020