Title: Concession Agreement for Moin Container Terminal

Languages: Spanish

Type: Document

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Costa Rica

Sectors: Transportation

Keywords: Contractual Provisions


Document Details:

Civil law jurisdiction (Spanish). Concession agreement for the design, planning, financing, building, exploitation and maintenance of the new Puerto Moín Container Terminal in Costa Rica. The terminal is located within the existing seaport complex of Limon and Moín. 

  • The project involves the Government of Costa Rica, APM Terminals Moín S.A. and APM Terminals Central America B.V. and is governed by the Federal Concessions Act of Public Works with Public Services. 
  • The concession is for 33 years (including 3 years of construction).
  • The contract provides for full risk to the private sector (ie, design, construction, commissioning, operating, commercial, financial, and environmental risks) (Chapter 6).
  • It explicitly states that the government assumes no risk or responsibility for the business projections made by the concessionaire based on the rates quoted in this Agreement, or for the costs that it has calculated to make its offer. (Clause 11.6).

Tracking Reference: Costa Rica _Concession Agreement for Moin Container Terminal_ES.pdf

Updated: July 6, 2022