Appraising Potential PPP Projects

Potential PPP projects must undergo an appraisal process to ensure that developing and implementing them makes sense. For any proposed PPP project, there are five key criteria that governments should consider when deciding whether or not to pursue a project as a PPP

Value for Money Assessment: Review of Approaches and Key Concepts

This report is mainly addressed to:

  • −  PPP policy-makers, for example those in PPP Units; and

  • −  public sector PPP practitioners, such as procuring authorities.

    In countries with established PPP markets and a track record in VfM assessment, the information contained in this report may be useful when undertaking comparisons and reviewing their own VfM policies and guidance.

Infrastructure Challenges and How PPPs Can Help

Infrastructure is critical for economic development, reducing poverty and inequality, creating jobs, and ensuring environmental sustainability. Infrastructure generates high social returns and is welfare enhancing. Governments are ultimately responsible for the provision of public services and the infrastructure required for their delivery. Infrastructure investment is often part of the social compact between a government and its citizens.