Unlocking the Potential for Private Sector Participation in District Heating

The report analyzes barriers to and opportunities for private sector participation in district heating (DH) in the Western Balkan countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, and Serbia, as well as in Mongolia and Ukraine.

Specifically, the report analyzes the legal and regulatory frameworks for public-private partnerships (PPP) and for DH in each of the countries, including an overview of the primary and secondary legislation, PPP preparation and approval processes, institutional setup of the DH sector, heat tariff-setting procedures, etc.

Les PPP dans le domaine de la technologie propre

Dans cette section, le site du PPPLRC met l'accent sur les projets de PPP dédiés à la menace du changement climatique grâce à l’intégration de caractéristiques visant à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et à s’adapter aux impacts de ce changement climatique.

ToR - Legal and Regulatory Advisory Services for Private Sector Participation in the Development of New Generation Capacity

Publication Year

The purpose of this document is to invite the submission of proposals to provide legal and regulatory advisory services to the Project Steering Committee of the Lignite Power Technical Assistance Project (the Project Steering Committee).

Terms of Reference for Transaction Advisory Services for Private Sector Participation in the Development of New Generation Capacity, Related Transmission and the Development of a [LIGNITE FIELD]

Publication Year

The work to be undertaken by the advisors (the Consultant) will be to assist the Client in attracting private sector participation to: Develop the [Lignite Field]. The development project will focus both on (i) providing a reliable long-term fuel supply for the new power plant and the country's existing generators, and (ii) on meeting the country’s short-term coal supply financing needs through the monetization of the country’s lignite