The Regulatory Asset Base Model and the Project Finance Model: A Comparative Analysis

The traditional approach to public infrastructure delivery and management has been challenged in the past decades through different forms of private capital participation. Two well established platforms for private capital participation in the context of public infrastructure procurement are the Regulatory Asset Base (RAB) Model and the Project Finance Model (broadly termed as PPP - Public-Private Partnerships). Based on a literature review, this paper assesses the two vehicles in terms of efficiency in delivery and operation of major infrastructure.

Resetting price controls for privatized utilities: a manual for regulators

This manual describes the task that an economic regulator should undertake when revising the price control for a regulated company. The aim of regulation is to protect consumers, while ensuring that the company remains viable and has an incentive to operate efficiently. After an introduction in section 1, section 2 discusses the basic principle of price control regulation.

PPP and Concession Project Finance in Brazil: Estruturação de Projetos de PPP e Concessão no Brasil

In order to contribute to the improvement of public procedures related to the structuring of infrastructure projects in Brazil, the IFC - International Finance Corporation and BNDES (by means of AEP – Project Structuring Division) joined efforts in the conception and coordination of an interdisciplinary study , which is aimed at analyzing and proposing recommendations to improve current mechanisms to prepare Concessions and PPPs - Public-Private Partnerships. This study does not rely only on pointing out and describing current problems.

World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers

Complementing the Regulations are a series of Standard Procurement Documents (SPDs), Guidance, and a set of briefing, training and e-learning materials - all accessible through the World Bank Procurement for Projects and Programs website. 

Procurement in Investment Project Financing : Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services, Fourth Edition November 2020.

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  • 专用工具(SPV),无业务记录的项目公司;
  • 项目公司的唯一活动是执行项目-通过工程合同以及运营合同将大部分内容分包出去;
  • 对新建设项目而言,施工阶段并没有任何收益源,因此债务的偿还只有在运营阶段在项目投入运营时才会存在(各方因此在施工阶段承担巨大风险);
  • 单一收益源可能来自于商品销售或者权益购买协议;
  • 项目投资方具有的追索权有限或者不具有追索权(项目公司股东根据股份持有情况承当责任);
  • 工程项目不属于投资人以及东道国政府资产负债表中列账项目。

Project Finance Primer 2010 by the Federal Highway Administration - U.S. Department of Transportation

Publication Year

Transportation officials at all levels of government are challenged to identify ways to pay for improvements to our Nation's transportation infrastructure. Despite record levels of investment in surface transportation infrastructure in recent years, traditional funding sources have not kept pace with the investment demands of an aging and increasingly complex U.S. transportation system.