Women Entrepreneurs, Policies to Support Women’s Entrepreneurship Development in the MENA Region

OECD October 2012

This publication provides an overview of approaches and measures in MENA-OECD Investment Programme economies to promote, support and advance women's entrepreneurship development in the Middle East and North Africa. It covers such issues as access to credit and business development services and information and information on data collection and research on women entrepreneurs in the MENA area.

lated Information:

Utilities Privatization and the Poor: Lessons and Evidence from Latin America

The perception that privatization hurts the poor is growing and creating a backlash against the private provision of basic infrastructure services.

At the same time, governments are findings themselves fisically strapped, searching for ways to finance the large investments needed to expand services to the poor.
In Latin America, a laboratory for privatization, evidence exists which sheds light on the privatization experience.


Expanding Educational Opportunities in Remote Parts of the World: Evidence from a RCT of a Public-Private Partnership in Pakistan

By Felipe Barrera-Osorio, David S. Blakeslee, Matthew Hoover, Leigh L. Linden, Dhushyanth Raju, May 2013.  


The publication evaluates the effects of the Promoting Low-Cost Private Schooling in Rural Sindh (PPRS) program on child enrollment in a sample of 199 villages in 10 underserved districts of rural Sindh province, Pakistan. The PPRS program seeks to expand access to primary education in underserved rural communities through public-private partnerships (PPPs) with local entrepreneurs.


Improving Access to Infrastructure Services by the Poor: Institutional and Policy Responses

This paper provides an overview of nature and extent of service accessibility challenges faced by developing countries. The paper also captures various policies in place which act as a key driver for the government to work towards improved access to service to the poor. Part A summarizes the access challenges of infrastructure and telecommunication services in low-income households and communities.

Expanding Renewable Energy Access with Pro-Poor Public-Private Partnerships in the Developing World

This article explains 8 cases in which private capital was mobilized to provide renewable energy infrastructure to poor populations in different part of the world. The author indicates how renewable energy infrastructure has large upfront costs and what specific models of PPPs can be used to implement it. The author also elaborates on various case studies and their respective PPP models.

Related Information:

Public-Private Partnerships and the Poor - Private Sector Participation and the Poor: 3. Regulation

This third part of the report "Private Sector Participation and the Poor" covers analysis on water regulations and its significance in the lives of poor. It has several sections such as the regulatory process, practical experiences in setting up regulations in low-income environment and selection of past projects.

Public private partnerships and the poor: private sector participation and the poor: 1: strategy

Public-Private Partnerships and the Poor - Private Sector Participation and the Poor: 2: Implementation

The second part of the report discusses "Private Sector Participation and the Poor" and analyzes the stages of private sector participation and the relevant contracts, the key constraints in implementing the same and the capacity of these projects to fill some gaps and issues that may exist around the impacts of PPP on poor consumers.

Public private partnerships and the poor: private sector participation and the poor: 1: strategy