All Politics Is Local: Barcelona's innovative urban PPP credits success to its working relationships with politicians

A PPP in Barcelona aimed to reinvigorate the city, strategically building a vibrant urban center to attract businesses as well as creative institutions. The ambitious goal to guarantee a sound economy, pleasant surroundings, and a sustainable environment for decades to come, satisfying visitors as well as residents had never been undertaken at this scale. Public and private cooperation made it possible, proving that even for the most innovative PPPs, old-fashioned political relationships are as important as ever.

Strategic Infrastructure Mitigation of Political & Regulatory Risk in Infrastructure Projects

To encourage sustainable economic growth, the global infrastructure program depends on private investors and operators - but they worry about political & regulatory risks. There are many facets of those risks beyond outright expropriation, such as delayed permits and community protests, unfair tax law changes, and corruption. This new World Economic Forum report, developed in collaboration with Boston Consulting Group, provides a 20-point risk-mitigation framework, listing promising measures for public and private stakeholders alike.