Concentrating Solar Power in Developing Countries

Concentrating solar thermal power (CST) has a tremendous potential for scaling up renewable energy at the utility level, diversifying the generation portfolio mix, powering development, and mitigating climate change. A recent surge in demand for solar thermal power generation projects using diff erent CST technologies in various countries shows that CST could become an important renewable energy technology that would provide an alternative to conventional thermal power generation based on the central utility model.

Post Durban: Moving to a fragmented carbon market world?

The agreements recently struck during the COP 17 global climate change negotiations in Durban, South Africa, from November 29th to December 9th, bring us to a new crossroads.

The outcome of Durban will influence whether the initial Cartesian vision of a global carbon market and one single price for carbon, which emerged from the Kyoto Protocol but was never accomplished, is to receive a new impetus, or whether we are heading towards a long period of building through a bottom-up approach, which may or may not lead to a unitary carbon market in the future.

BioCarbon Fund Experience: Insights from Afforestation / Reforestation Clean Development Mechanism Projects

The report is an effort to inform project developers and policy-makers about the main lessons learned by the BioCarbon Fund while accompanying the development of more than 20 A/R CDM forest projects in 16 countries since it started operations in 2004. It sheds light on opportunities the CDM offers to the forestry sector and also on the challenges encountered by project developers when complying with the regulatory requirements.