Risk Management: Developing and Implementing a Risk Management Framework

The Victorian Government Risk Management Framework (VGRMF) describes the minimum risk management requirements agencies are required to meet to demonstrate that they are managing risk effectively, including inter agency and state significant risk. It outlines the role and responsibilities of an agency’s responsible body. The VGRMF adopts the Australian and New Zealand Standard AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines which provides a generic, internationally accepted basis for best practice risk management.


Australasian Railway Association (ARA)

ARA represents all infrastructure managers and railway operators and the wider rail supply industry in Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia. ARA’s objective is to create a beneficial regulatory environment for the Australasian rail industry. Key tasks include the development of rail policy and programs regarding passenger and freight transport, environmental and technological standards and programs aimed at improving the productivity, capacity and overall safety of the rail industry in Australasia.


Aurizon (ASX: AZJ) is Australia’s largest rail freight operator and a top 100 ASX company.

Each year, the Company transports more than 250 million tonnes of Australian commodities, connecting miners, primary producers, and industry with international and domestic markets. It provides customers with integrated freight and logistics solutions across an extensive national rail and road network, traversing Australia.

The Company also owns and operates one of the world’s largest coal rail networks, linking approximately 50 mines with three major ports in Queensland.

Queensland Competition Authority

The Queensland Competition Authority is Queensland’s economic regulator. It helps prevent monopoly businesses from inappropriately using their market power—by setting or monitoring prices, or through other arrangements.

The businesses it regulates own or operate vital infrastructure in Queensland, such as railways and ports, or they deliver essential services, such as water and energy.  Because of regulation, prices are competitive, and those who need to use infrastructure can do so fairly.