Economic Commission for Europe Declaration on a Zero Tolerance Approach to Corruption in Public-Private Partnerships Procurement


Fully mindful of the challenges we face as public officials and stakeholders to the provision of public services and public goods, we acknowledge the:

  • Magnitude of economic and social development that will be required, including the large sum of financing and increased public sector capacity that will be needed, to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals;

  • Unique contribution which Public-Private Partnerships, and ‘People-first’ Public- Private Partnerships specifically, can make to the achievement of these Goals;



Transparency, Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Mechanisms

PPPs can be susceptible to corrupt activity if not carefully planned and designed, as with general public procurement. Prevention of corruption requires the integration of anticorruption approaches during project design. This page provides examples of some of the tools that the World Bank and other institutions employ to address the risk of corruption in infrastructure projects.