
Country Profile: El Salvador

Find country-level PPP profile and links to key data and resources.  Find more in our Country Profile section.

PPP Unit El Salvador
The leading institution for exports and investment promotion and for public-private partnerships, and the strategic… more
PPP Laws/Concession Laws - El Salvador
Decreto No.379 del 2013 - Ley Especial de Asocio Publico Privados (Decree No.379 of 2013 - Special Public Private… more
Infrastructure Indicators
Access the World Development Indicators database through the Open Data site and DataBank to post queries, download data… more
Benchmarking Infrastructure Development
Benchmarking PPP Procurement: Countries The Benchmarking Infrastructure Development 2020 PPP survey covers 140… more
Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI)… See detail on projects, sectors, financial closure and other useful information for countries covered by the PPI… more
GCI Infrastructure Score
The Global Competitiveness Report Special Edition 2020, How Countries are Performing on the Road to Recovery, is… more
Country Profile: Latin America and the Caribbean…
Listed below are Country-level PPP profiles and links to key data and resources in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC… more

For more resources on El Salvador, click here or check out the PPPLRC Library