Brunei Telecommunications Order 2001

Brunei Telecommunications Order 2001 - This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in  Brunei.  It contains a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the regulatory telecommunications authority.  It includes licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, scarce resources management, infrastructure sharing, universal service, penalties and sanctions and dispute resolution.

Brunei Regulatory Telecommunications Authority (AITI)

The Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry (AITI) is a statutory body which is responsible for:

  • Telecommunications and radiocommunications regulation
  • Radiofrequency spectrum planning and management
  • ICT industry development

AITI was established on 1 January 2003 by the AITI Order 2001 to function as telecommunications regulator, national radio-frequency spectrum manager and developer of Brunei Darussalam's ICT industry