Title: PPIAF Annual Report 2021

Language: English

Type: Other Publications

Nature: Institution

Published: January 1, 2021

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: About PPP **, Annual Report

Document Link(s):


Document Summary:

The last year saw a surge of climate change impacts across the globe, ranging from rising sea levels to uncontrolled wildfires. Developing countries and emerging economies are especially vulnerable to these impacts, partly because they lack the resources and capacity to address them—especially when the COVID-19 pandemic is ravaging economies worldwide. PPIAF’s role in addressing the impacts of climate change on infrastructure development is in line with the World Bank’s green, resilient, inclusive development approach—or GRID.

For over 20 years, PPIAF has encouraged private sector participation (PSP) in infrastructure by building capacity and improving regulatory and institutional frameworks at both the national and subnational levels. PPIAF helps both government clients and the private sector collaborate to finance and operate infrastructure sustainably and inclusively. In this report, PPIAF highlights its contributions to building sustainable and resilient infrastructure. Much of our work addresses the impacts of climate change, both through mitigation and adaptation. Our advice helps countries develop markets for renewable energy, urban transport systems that integrate electric vehicles and non-motorized modalities, and infrastructure that can withstand climate impacts—all in partnership with the private sector.


Document Details:

PPIAF Annual Report 2021

Image by Pixabay

Updated: June 22, 2022