Laws and Regulations
Junio 21,2021
Legal Framework, PPP Unit
PPP Unit Peru
Laws and Regulations
Diciembre 21,2021
Legal Framework
PPP Laws/Concession Laws - Peru
Enero 01,2016
Legal Framework
APPs en Perú: análisis del nuevo marco legal
Laws and Regulations
Enero 01,2015
Legal Framework
PPP Law, Peru: Decree 1224
Laws and Regulations
Enero 01,2015
Legal Framework
PPP Regulation, Peru - DECRETO SUPREMO Nº 410-2015-EF
Enero 01,2007
Water and Sanitation
Gender Impact
Water, Gender and Citizenship : Involving men and women in the management of water and sanitation services
Applicable to all sectors
Legal Framework, PPP Reference Guide
Implementing Principles
Laws and Regulations
Legal Framework
Regulatory Authorities
Laws and Regulations
Applicable to all sectors
Legal Framework, Transparency, Good Governance and Anti-corruption
Anti-corruption and Freedom of Information Legislation
Other PPP Reference
Subnational and Municipal
About, Legal Framework
Three ways to partner with cities and municipalities to mobilize private capital for infrastructure: A look at Latin America
Other PPP Reference
Water and Sanitation
Legal Framework
PPPs in Rural and Peri-Urban Water Sector: Victoria Delmon and Jane Jamieson
Laws and Regulations
Applicable to all sectors
Legal Framework
Empresas Mixtas
Laws and Regulations, Toolkit, Checklists
Water and Sanitation
Gender Impact
Gender & Water and Sanitation Projects
Applicable to all sectors
Legal Framework, PPP Reference Guide
PPP Laws
Laws and Regulations
Telecom and ICT
Legal Framework
General Telecommunications Framework (by Country)
Laws and Regulations
Applicable to all sectors
Legal Framework
Public-Private Partnerships Laws / Concession Laws
Legal Framework
Ley de Asociaciones Público-Privadas - por país
Français, Legal Framework
Lois relatives aux PPP/Lois relatives aux concessions
Contract Agreement, Toolkit
Applicable to all sectors
Gender Impact
Key Topics Across Infrastructure Sectors