Annotated Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) prepared by Sustainable Power Group (sPower)

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Power purchase agreement developed by sPower, an independent power producer, for the construction, operation and maintenance of a solar powered electric generating project, and sale of the electric energy produced by the project.

Decreto 7888 de 15 de Janeiro de 2013 (Portuguese)

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This Decree requires that the bidding documents and contracts used to carry out the urban mobility components included in the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) should provide for the mandatory purchase of domestic manufactured goods and national services according to the following criteria. For example:

Recommendations of the Working Group on Engineering SMEs –Vice Presidency of Colombia (Recomendaciones de la Mesa de Trabajo sobre PYMES de Ingenieria)

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This document summarizes the recommendations of a working group that the Colombian Vice-President Germán Vargas Lleras created - composed of the Colombian Chamber of Infrastructure, National Agency of Infrastructure, Road National Institute, and the Vice-presidency of Colombia - in order to devise public policies that boost and promote construction and consultant SMEs in Colombia's infrastructure development.

Regulation of the Goods, Services, Works and Concessions Procurement Law - Decree 543 of 2012

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This law promotes SMEs in public procurement. It indicates for example, that SMEs may participate in selection processes through consortiums or different type of associations, and they may receive an advanced payment of 20% of the project to strengthen their economic capacity.

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