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The resources on this site is usually managed by third party websites. The World Bank does not take responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or quality of the information provided, or for any broken links or moved resources. Any changes in the underlying website or link may result in changes to the analysis and recommendations set forth in the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center. The inclusion of documents on this website should not be construed as either a commitment to provide financing or an endorsement by the World Bank of the quality of the document or project. If you have any comments on any of the links provided in the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center, please get in touch here



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Watch this space. This is a new section of the website and is currently in draft form. The World Bank Group Infrastructure Finance Learning program is working closely working with universities, development partners and governments to continuously share lessons learned and real-world examples. For feedback on the content of this section of the website or suggestions for links or materials that could be included, please contact the PPP Resource Center at or take a Quick Survey.



World Bank Infrastructure Finance Learning

Mobilizing Private Sector Capital for Resilient, Inclusive, and Quality Infrastructure 

The World Bank Group's (WBG) Infrastructure Finance Learning program offers a comprehensive range of resources and tools to support infrastructure financing.

The program will leverage WBG know-how in mobilizing additional sources of funding and financing for infrastructure by involving private investors. It will feature the Guarantees Academy, the PPP Certification course, case studies, tools and materials, including the Public-Private Partnerships Resource Center, and the Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI) database. 

Program Components:

The Infrastructure Finance Learning program is structured around four core components, each addressing a critical aspect of infrastructure finance:

  • Addressing Infrastructure Gaps through PPPs
  • Creating the Enabling Environment for Infrastructure Finance – including the legal, regulatory, and institutional environment to mobilize private capital for infrastructure
  • Adopting Financing Instruments to Deliver Private Capital – including credit enhancement, insurance, guarantees and local currency finance
  • Preparing Transactions to Meet Market Requirements and Achieve Best Value for Money

Target audience:

IFK is tailored for WBG public sector clients, including:

  • PPP units
  • Sector Ministries (e.g., Transport, Energy, Health)
  • Planning and Finance Ministries
  • Local Governments
  • State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in sectors like utilities, finance, and construction
  • Other stakeholders within the infrastructure finance ecosystem


Explore the sections below or search our Library for resources on Infrastructure Finance and PPPs.

PPP Certification
Enhance your expertise in implementing infrastructure projects through public-private partnerships (PPPs) and explore… more
PPP Online Learning
The WBG Infrastructure Finance Learning program is actively collaborating with universities, development partners… more
PPP Legal and Regulatory Framework
Public-Private Partnership's (PPP) are compex long-term transactions affected by many areas of law, and a transparent… more
PPP Project Preparation
Understanding and implementing a systematic process is crucial for preparing bankable Public-Private Partnership (PPP)… more
PPP Projects
This section provides materials on risk allocation and explores the various layers of public sector involvement and… more
PPP Finance
A public-private partnership (PPP) project typically involves financing from multiple sources, combining equity from… more
PPP Project Implementation
This stage follows the structuring, appraisal, and detailed preparation of the PPP project. In this section, you will… more
PPP Sectors
This section share resources on various industry sectors where Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) play a crucial role.… more
Select WBG PPP Toolkits
Bridging the infrastructure gap is essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. To help governments make… more
Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI)… See detail on projects, sectors, financial closure and other useful information for countries covered by the PPI… more

The resources on this site is usually managed by third party websites. The World Bank does not take responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or quality of the information provided, or for any broken links or moved resources. Any changes in the underlying website or link may result in changes to the analysis and recommendations set forth in the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center. The inclusion of documents on this website should not be construed as either a commitment to provide financing or an endorsement by the World Bank of the quality of the document or project. If you have any comments on any of the links provided in the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center, please get in touch here