Dispute Resolution Checklist and Sample Wording

When reviewing or drafting an agreement, it is important to take a careful look at the dispute resolution clause. This will determine where and how disputes will be heard and it is important to ensure that the provisions are appropriate and enforceable in the relevant jurisdiction by checking with local lawyers. Dispute resolution mechanisms vary dramatically, and are key to how the careful drafting you use in the agreement will be interpreted, and whether it will be enforceable. It is hard to overstate the importance of such provisions.

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Legal & Institutional Frameworks in Africa: A comparative analysis

This Brochure aggregates the data present in the PPP Country Profiles that were developed by the ALSF. When providing examples on a country basis, both civil and common law jurisdictions were reviewed and samples were provided on a regional basis, to bring case studies from the Central, Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western Africa regions. When relevant, a distinction is also made between Anglophone, Francophone, and Arabic- speaking countries in Africa.

PPP Contract Management

The reference tool is a guide that builds on global research into projects and the lessons that can be learned from their performance throughout construction and operations. It provides practical advice for public officials responsible for the management of PPPs after financial close.