Title: Guidance for Countries in Assessing ERC Projects (Download PDF version)

Language: English

Type: Other Publications

Nature: Guidelines

Published: October 29, 2023

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Topic: Emission Reduction Program

Keywords: PPPs by Topic *, Emission Reduction Program **, Guidance in Assessing ERC Projects ***, Climate change


Document Summary:

These Project Assessment Guidelines aim to provide a comprehensive and adaptable guide to identify and develop Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs) projects and investments in order to generate high-quality ERCs to be sold in global markets. 

While some countries have made progress in this area, there is still a significant amount of work to be done to meaningfully reduce emissions and meet the increasingly rigorous standards of buyers seeking high-quality ERCs. These Guidelines are focused on countries wishing to access global markets to monetize ERCs. While there are key synergies between efforts to access global ERC markets and domestic systems to meet climate targets, these Guidelines focus on the former. 

The Guidelines can be applied to review a pipeline of projects, assess the potential of an individual project or program in consideration of its eligibility and viability for ERC generation, or select projects with the most likely value-for-money ERC development opportunities. 

Document Details:

Through the establishment of an Emission Reduction Program (ERP), the World Bank aims to help developing countries to engage strategically with evolving global ERC markets, support efforts to generate ERCs to sell into these global markets, and mobilize finance for such transactions. 

The ERP includes two main workstreams.  Workstream One is focused on ERC market development, by providing governments with access to knowledge and technical assistance. Workstream Two is targeted at supporting ERC generation in participating countries. 

These Project Assessment Guidelines aim to provide a comprehensive and adaptable guide to identify and develop ERC projects and investments in order to generate high-quality ERCs to be sold in global markets, under Workstream Two of the ERP. These can be used in parallel with the Guidelines for Country System Assessments, under Workstream One of the ERP.