Title: A Framework for Managing Government Guarantees

Language: English

Nature: Checklists

Published: May 1, 2020

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Topic: Tools

Keywords: PPP Tools *, Checklists and Risk Matrices**, Funding and Financing

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

Managing government debt guarantees is difficult because the potential costs of guarantees are hard to estimate and typically do not show up in the reported budget deficit.

Razlog, Lilia; Irwin, Tim; Marrison, Chris. 2020. A Framework for Managing Government Guarantees. MTI Discussion Paper;No. 20. © World Bank, Washington, DC.

Document Details:

This paper sets out a checklist of issues for a government to consider when designing or revisiting its framework for managing guarantees. The checklist comprises: (1) steps to establish macroeconomic control over guarantees by setting limits on their use and restricting the authorization to grant them; (2) steps to improve decisions to grant individual guarantees by means of guidelines, restrictions, conditions, cost estimation, guarantees fees, and a structured process for making the decisions; and (3) steps to ensure careful management after the granting of guarantees, including the recording and reporting of guarantees, arrangements to pay when necessary, and learning from past experience.

Updated: September 10, 2024