Title: Checklist for Operation and Maintenance Agreement

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: Contractual Provisions, Contract


Checklist for Operation and Maintenance Agreement1.27 MB, Checklist for Operation and Maintenance Agreement766.57 KB

Document Summary:

The purpose of this checklist is to identify the key areas to be considered in reviewing and drafting an operation and maintenance agreement where the agreement is a standalone agreement (i.e., the operator is contracting directly with the grantor) rather than part of a concession arrangement where the obligations of the concessionaire during the operating period are sub-contracted to an operator. 

Document Details:

The checklist should also be useful in identifying areas which have not been addressed or require further attention.

Find more related materials at PPP Checklist and Risk Matrix

Tracking Number:Operation_Maintenance_Agreement_Checklist_EN

Page Disclaimer:

This document has been prepared for the purposes of the PPP in Legal Resource Center for contracts, laws and regulations (PPPLRC). It is a checklist for general guidance purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for specific legal advice for a project.

Updated: March 8, 2022