Gender and Transport Resource Guide

Gender and Transport Resource Guide, Online Tool developed by the Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Program (SSATP), 2006

This Resource Guide provides gender mainstreaming tools and information for individuals and groups working on policy, design, implementation monitoring and evaluation, capacity building and research in the transport sector and sectors affected by transport.

Gender Impacts of GPRBA Pilot Projects

Gender Impacts of GPOBA Pilot Projects, Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) June 2011 

This note presents a summary of the expected gender impacts of output-based aid (OBA) projects by sector (water and sanitation, energy, health, information and communications technology (ICT), an overview of how gender impacts are estimated in the ongoing impact evaluations, and a list of the gender outcomes and impacts that are explicitly acknowledged in other OBA pilot projects. 

Related Information:

PPP and Gender Mainstreaming in Agriculture: Lessons from Field Studies

PPP and Gender Mainstreaming in Agriculture: Lessons from Field Studies by K. Ponnusamy, Manju Dutta Das, Binoo P. Bonny and Sabita Mishra, Agricultural Economics Research Review , Vol. 27 (Conference Number) 2014 pp 147-155.

This study undertaken by the Directorate of Research on Women in Agriculture (DRWA), Bhubaneswar, India during 2009 to 2013 has assessed the role of selected public-private partnership (PPP) models in agriculture for their role in women empowerment and has analyzed their strengths and weaknesses.