The 2010 United Nations Development Program’s Human Development Index ranked the Republic of Chad (Chad) 163 out of 169 countries in the world. Extreme poverty, high vulnerability to food insecurity, and unstable security situation caused by recurrent armed conflict are the biggest constraints to economic growth in Chad. While the political situation has significantly improved since 2010, socio-economic conditions of the majority of Chadians remain precarious.
Hartwig, Tim, Yogita Mumssen, and Andreas Schliessler. 2005. “Output-Based Aid in Chad: Using Performance-Based Contracts to Improve Roads.” OBApproaches Note Number 6. Washington, DC: World Bank. [#4468]
Procuring Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships 2020 is designed to help governments improve their PPP regulatory quality. By benchmarking the regulatory frameworks of economies around the world against internationally recognized good practices in procuring PPPs, this assessment identifies areas for improvement in the preparation, procurement, and management of PPPs.
Procuring Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships 2018 is designed to help governments improve their PPP regulatory quality. By benchmarking the regulatory frameworks of economies around the world against internationally recognized good practices in procuring PPPs, this assessment identifies areas for improvement in the preparation, procurement, and management of PPPs.
The website allow the DGCMP to publish all calls for tenders for public contracts for Public Works, Supplies and Services, and Intellectual Services.
Chad procurement system is embodied by Decree No. 2417-PR-PM-2015 on the Public Procurement Code (PPC) of 17 December 2015 (in French).