Tanzania - Standardized Small Power Purchase Agreement - for main grid connection

Standardized PPA for Main Grid Connection and Standardized PPA for Isolated Mini Grid Connection together with Standardized Tariff Methodologies for each case and Detailed Tariff Calculations, which can all be found on the EWURA Web site.

For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Energy and Power.

Ref: Tanzania SPPA MainGrid Connection-2009

Image by Pixabay

Sample Term Sheet

Module 5 of the Annex in Asset Recycling. This term sheet sets out a framework for the terms and conditions to be set out in the Asset Recycling Agreement.

Privatization Laws

Privatization is a transaction or series of transactions by which governments sell off all or part of an interest in a state owned asset.  It is often used in the context of state-owned businesses, which are first converted into corporations and undertake financial and operational restructuring to prepare them for sale.  Privatisation is therefore different from PPP as it is anticipated that public involvement in that particular business will cease or be diminished, as opposed to PPP where the government role continues throughout the PPP and in most cases the asset returns to government control on expiry or termination of the PPP.

Sample Terms of Reference (TORs) for PPP Advisors

When designing and developing a public-private partnership (PPP) project, a government agency may seek assistance from external advisors to complement its own team and supplement its resources and expertise. The range of potential advisers includes legal, financial and technical advisors and can be used to develop pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, as well as draft bidding documents and support the contracting agency in procuring and negotiating the project.

Below are resources offering guidance on drafting TORs as well as sample TORs:


Clauses de recours exclusif: note et exemple de formulation


Une clause de recours exclusif décrit les voies de recours dont une partie dispose pour un événement particulier exclusivement et exclut toute autre voie de recours. Une clause de dommages-intérêts conventionnels définit au préalable les dommages-intérêts et empêche les parties de demander des dommages-intérêts généraux. Les entrepreneurs demandent habituellement d'inclure une clause de recours exclusif dans un contrat.

Inmunidad Soberana - Resumen y ejemplo de redacción

¿Qué es la inmunidad soberana?

La entidad adjudicadora de un proyecto de infraestructura es por lo general una autoridad gubernamental y, por ende, puede gozar de inmunidad soberana.Esto debe verificarse consultando a abogados locales.En algunos casos en que se sancionan leyes de concesiones, allí se renuncia específicamente a la inmunidad soberana del Estado en materia de proyectos de infraestructura; no obstante, esto dista de ser universal.A un operador privado le preocupa asegurarse de que se renuncie a la inmunidad soberana.

Cláusulas de recurso exclusivo: Nota y ejemplo de redacción


Es frecuente que los contratistas soliciten que en el contrato se incluya una cláusula de recurso exclusivo. Sin embargo, desde la perspectiva del propietario, el riesgo de una cláusula de recurso exclusivo es que puede impedirle al propietario obtener resarcimiento por cualquier tipo de daños y perjuicios no contemplado específicamente en el contrato.