Measuring the Emissions and Energy Footprint of the ICT Sector: Implications for Climate Action

Digitalization is increasing rapidly worldwide, requiring more energy, and resulting in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The report uses a key framework for categorizing energy use and emissions, the greenhouse gas protocol corporate standard. Second, the report addresses the policy and regulatory implications inferred from this data and the examination of these issues through several country case studies.

Climate Change Toolkits

These toolkits provide sector-specific checklists, sample documents and other resources for creating successful partnerships relating to Climate Change.

ADB's Focus on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management

Meeting the growing global demand for energy and natural resources is destabilizing our climate, and threatening the development and security of Asia and the Pacific. The poor are particularly vulnerable to these changes and are already suffering from rising sea levels and increasingly devastating storms, droughts, and floods. The intensity and frequency of extreme climate events is expected to increase with climate change, potentially exacerbating this trend in the future.