Title: Role of Informal Sector in Solid Waste Management and Enabling Conditions for its Integration

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2011

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sectors: Municipal Solid Waste

Topics: SMEs

Keywords: Sub-national


Document Details:

In many countries, informal waste pickers contribute significantly to waste management and resource efficiency by collecting, sorting, trading and sometimes even processing waste materials. These activities also provide an income opportunity for large numbers of poor people. GTZ aims to determine the factors for successful informal sector integration in solid waste management systems in order to design measures for integration of the informal workers in waste management strategies. This success seems to depend on the capacities of the informal sector to organize, to manage their businesses efficiently and to influence public and political opinion, on the political will to integrate the informal sector and on the possibilities for collaboration with the formal private sector and other actors.


Related Information:

Tracking Reference:

Role_Informal Sector_Solid_Waste_Management_Enabling_Conditions_for_Integration_EN_2011

Updated: April 17, 2021