Title: Right2Info: Access to information and Related laws, Regulations

Languages: English

Type: Website

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Topics: Transparency, Good Governance and Anti-corruption, Procurement

Keywords: Contract


Document Details:

This page of the website presents links to access to information (ATI) and related laws, regulations and constitutional provisions, including both provisions that advance the right in various ways and sectors, and those that restrict it.  These provisions address state and official secrets, data protection, archives, environmental information, public procurement, local government, legislative information, and judicial information, among other areas.This list is by no means complete.

The Justice Initiative has compiled a list of countries with access to information provisions at the nation/federal level  that are actionable (i.e., enforceable in court). Included are countries that only have provisions in their administrative codes, rather than free-standing ATI laws, or a decree or regulation issued by the executive, so long as the provisions are judicially enforceable. It also includes a list of countries that do not have ATI laws but that do have actionable constitutional provisions, and a list of territories with populations over one million that have ATI laws. This list has been compiled drawing on information supplied by a wide range of organizations

Find more related materials at Anti-Corruption and Freedom of Information Legislation

Tracking Number: Right2Info_2015_English

Updated: August 25, 2020